Ron and Marsha McCaslin

Ron and Marsha McCaslin

Friday, April 17, 2009

Last Sunday evening, my message was "Five ways to get to know Jesus Better" and I told you I would blog the five points. I have misplaced my notes, but Marsha took notes on a kleenex, so at least I don't have to wait to find my notes. Paul talks about his desire to know Christ in Philippians 3:7-10. You can get to know Jesus:
  1. By reading what the Scripture says about Him. When you read what He said (written in Red), try meditating on it for a few days.
  2. Through your own experiences with Him. We should keep a record of what He does in us and for us each day, for our own reference and for posterity.
  3. Through the experience of others with Him.
  4. Through what the Holy Spirit reveals to you about Him. Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would help us remember what Jesus said.
  5. Through books and articles people you will never meet have written about Him. Some lived hundreds of years ago, some never spoke the language you speak, but their experience with Jesus is a matter of history because they took the time to write it down.
Growing in your knowledge of Jesus is essential for you to have a growing faith. Of course, we could wait till we get to heaven to know Him more, but He would like for us to know Him now for our sake and for the sake of those with which we can share Him.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pastor Ron! This is Nicole Haworth, well, Whitley now. I recently got married. I just wanted to let you know that you are loved!!! Hope to see you soon! God bless!
